Plugin Tag: pages
Nice Titles
(0 total ratings)Nice Titles on your Wordpress Blog based on the Nice Titles script by
Related Articles by Tag Lite
(0 total ratings)With this plugin you can add a list of links to posts having the same tag(s) of the current post.
Page Category & Archive Menu
(0 total ratings)You can embed page, category, and archive menu in your Wordperss site. You can get documentation and view demos from following site:
Post & Page Sidebar Excerpts by Maui Marketing
(1 total ratings)Increase site engagement using customized post and page excerpts in the sidebar.
Find Pages By Template
(0 total ratings)A tiny plugin that allows you to search for all pages that use a specific template.
WP FreeStyle Wiki
(0 total ratings)This plugin allows you to use FreeStyle Wiki syntax for typing up your posts and pages.
Sibling Pages
(0 total ratings)Generates and registers a widget that generates a list of links to sibling pages (pages that have the same parent page)
My Posts List with Offline Browsing
(5 total ratings)Let users build a list of their favorite posts/pages from the site and share their list on Facebook, via E-Mail, or download content as a Web-app for …
(0 total ratings)Three alternative to standard widget Categories, Recent Posts and Pages.
QR Code Generator for All Post Types
(0 total ratings)Easily generate QR codes for your posts, pages, WooCommerce products, and all custom post types directly from the WordPress admin interface.
LH Logged In Post Status
(1 total ratings)Allows you to restrict access to posts, pges etc to logged in users only.
Everything Accordion
(0 total ratings)The Everything Accordion is a simple widget that shows wordpress widgets, posts and pages in an pretty accordion.
Everything Tab
(0 total ratings)The Everything Tab is a simple widget that shows wordpress widgets, posts and pages in pretty tabs.
dig Description
(0 total ratings)Just the Meta Description. / 投稿ページやアーカイブページに、ただディスクリプションを設定できるだけのプラグインです。
Seamless Schedule
(0 total ratings)The plugin is designed to schedule & expire posts, pages, and custom post types on any WordPress site!